Tuesday, July 13, 2010

{36 weeks}

(FYI: I am not a fan of this picture)
36 weeks pregnant, 4 weeks till full term
I am feeling:
This pregnancy had been so different than my last. This time around I have found myself repeatedly reminding myself that I am pregnant amidst the time flying by at the speed of light. Last time, each day was cherished and counted, reading pregnancy books and emails about all that was changing in my body and about to change in my life. This time I physically 'feel' the pregnancy more, most likely because I am physically more active taking care of lil C, whereas during my last pregnancy I was sitting in my office all day daydreaming about 5o'clock when I could go home and lay on the couch. This time I feel more ready for what might be on the other side of delivery, thus I am ready to meet baby Dillon and begin molding our family of four.

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