Monday, August 2, 2010

{Are you ready?}

"Are you ready"
"Are we ready"
"Am I ready"
That is the question.....
That is what we were asking ourselves on August 2nd.
Today is October 24th and this is the first time I have sat down to update this blog since Dillon was born, so everything from the past almost 12 weeks is but a blur, but I was want it documented and many people have been asking what is going on with my blog. What happened was live with 2 awesome babies that take every second and ounce of energy out of me. So here we go.....
The night of August 2nd: house cleaned, Cain over to play with Doger for a few days, Ipo at Mimi's, Cooper at Mimi's, bags packed, truck ready, better get to bed because we have to be at the hospital in Frisco at 4am....are we ready? am I ready? well, we better be and I better be. My only fear that night was that Dillon has miraculously flipped over and we would be sent home without having him. At the last doctor's appointment Dr. Ehmer has said that when we arrived at the hospital we would do another sonogram and if he had flipped we would be sent home to wait. I had asked why we wouldn't just induce and he simply said we wouldn't since I was only at 39 weeks. I knew the possibility of him flipping was very slim, but I was prepared to throw a fit if I was sent home with no baby. I was as ready as I was going to be and with Cooper and the dogs where they needed to be I told Brandon I was not going home without a baby.

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