Cooper had his "18mth" checkup today, he is just over 19 months now. His well baby visit had to be puched back because he was sick a couple weeks ago when were originally scheduled to go.
Anyhow, here are his stats:
weight: 29.5oz (80th%)
height: 37" (>95%)
These days Cooper is all over the place learning and exploring. He loves to run around giggling, so proud he can run so fast. He is trying to learn how to ride his tri-cycle but for now he scoots along just fine on it. He throws and kicks the ball. Swings on the big boy swing and has no fear of slides. His favorite toys in the toys room are his trucks and blocks. He lays on the floor zoom-zoom-zooming his trucks around. When he does slow down he continues he will bring you a book to read to him and for him to show off how much he know by pointing to everything you name. Some of the words he uses are: dog, truck, ball, bat, tractor, outside, balloon. He is talking all the time, but we are still working on understanding him. He, on the other hand, knows what we are saying and helps us go get things and bring things with us all the time. He continues to eat eat eat. He loves anything wrapped in a tortilla and could eat pasta at every meal. He is too excited about fruit right now, hopefully this summer he will enjoy it more as a refreshing snack. Cooper is loving his brother more and more everyday. He sits and play toys with D, or simutaniously beside him, he has special conversations with him and is working on being gental with lil bro.
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