Saturday, February 28, 2009

{16 weeks}

After Brandon and I went on a Sprinkles date...

(and I saved one for later, Brandon couldn't...)
We took my frist pregnancy picture!! We decided to take it with the stipes in the background so we can watch how far out my stomach will go:)

I am guessing at least to the first blue strip!


Cardas Photography said...

Congratulations! Great idea with the placement for your pic :)

Aly Scott said...

Thank God you got your Sprinkles Date! I was worried for Brandon's safety if he didn't take you. Yeah Sprinkles!! I think you look great! I like the stripes idea!

Cristina said...

You look great! I've heard a lot about Sprinkles, I might have to have one of those dates. :)

I heard the Waxahachie trip was a blast! Can't wait to wander down there.