Monday, April 19, 2010

{8 months}

8 months is here!!! In less than 4 months Cooper will have his little brother at home to play with. Everyday C is growing more independent. He sadly can hold his own bottle now. He needs a little help remembering to tilt it upwards but he can drink his milk independently. He is scooting all over and likes to roll like a 'tumbleweed' from his back to stomach, stomach to back. No longer do we set him down in one spot to return to find him in the same place, now he can manuver around thus he is starting to get into things. Hence, babyproofing will be starting ASAP! C also continues to teeth, he will have his top two teeth in a matter of days.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

My oh my he is almost as big as that bear! ! ! SO cute love seeing him change!